I believe that everybody in this world should be treated equal. No matter your skin color, hair color, sex, etc. everybody is a humanbeing and should be treated as so. Everyone wears clothes, eats food, has family and friends, and do all the same things, but maybe they have a different culture, traditions and look different from you, but that shouldn't matter. Also, people shouldn't care about what people wear or who they hang out with because you only live once, so everyone should just do what makes them happy. If you worry too much about what other people are doing and who they are, how could you ever be happy? Overall I believe you should do things that make you happy and don't bring other people down if there not like you.
16 years ago
Hey Mo!
I really like your blog because it seems like a lot of times, especially in this high school, people get caught up in everything and don't realize what they are doing. Even though people don't usually admit it, they are really judgemental here and if you aren't well-dressed or have money, you aren't considered "normal" or "cool".
Cya later! :)
This is a great blog. It makes complete sense and is totally true! Everyone deserves respect no matter who they are, or what they wear. And I know that you give that all the time! Well to most people who give it back. =]
Great sentiments. How do we, within the high school community, go about making it a less judgmental, more accepting place? What could be done differently, by both individuals and the school as a whole?
I liked your blog. I also believe that everyone should be treated equally. Some of us have the same characteristics and some of us don't. We need to accept all characteristics of everyone.
Not everyone wears clothes by the way. That is an overgeneralized statement that neglects the magnificent nudist societies around this great nation.
also this crazy text with different colors makes my head hurt @_@
Thank you! I agree with everything you just said. Everyone is equal no matter what. I don't care about color or sex, everyone is the same. I really like how you said that you only have one life, so live it up. That's great!
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